Tags: personal ramble webdev media transition

first entry

August 3rd, 2024

to be honest, i'm mainly writing here to get an idea of how i want to format things over here. and i needed an excuse to finally let my thoughts loose.

first of all, my perfectionism was absolutely KILLING me while i was working on this page. i've actually had a vague idea of what i wanted this page to look like for days, and i did most of the coding yesterday. after looking back on it today, i nearly scrapped it because it felt incomplete and i couldn't figure out a way for me to fix it.

i spent a few hours making a simple pink layout as an alternative but that didn't look quite right either, but it gave me a few ideas to figure out how to fix this page. i still think it's cute, so here's a rough draft of what the about page for my blog would've looked like if i went with that theme.

mainly just the container cause everything outside of it was just the background lol. i kind of want to use it for something else but idk what else i'd use it for. (random sidenote: i need to rewatch btr and i want to cosplay bocchi but i want to save my money for other things q__q)

anyways, i want to write a bit about nekoweb itself too. i was honestly a little nervous about moving my site over here at first, cause this site having a smaller community than neocities makes working on your site feel a lot more noticable imo. but after using nekoweb for a bit, i do think i prefer how close-knit it is over neocities.

i took a break in the middle of writing this cause my room was getting hot and i needed to cool down. i just assumed it was just a hot day and i needed to turn the ac down a little (especially cause i have a low heat tolerance. i hate summer), but turns out the whole thing was broken! i'm doing better now a few hours later cause my mom was able to get me a portable ac + she already found someone who can repair it, but i still feel a little bad about it happening in the first place. though, even if it wasn't under the best circumstances, i am pretty grateful for the portable ac. it's been working very well and my room occasionally gets hot enough that i have trouble sleeping (on top of my sleep schedule already becoming fucked up during the summer), so i hope it helps with that.

with all that being said, i'm going to take a short break from working on the site until the main ac is fixed (which shouldn't take more than a few days). once i come back to it i want to make a lot of changes from small styling edits to completely redoing some pages. the main thing i want to accomplish is making the site's files and code more organized cause right now it's a big mess that's somehow holding itself together.

i'm going to stop writing here so i can finish up styling this page and get it posted. i'll be back soon!

personal webdev