Time never waits. It delivers all equally to the same end. You, who wish to safeguard the future, however limited it may be... You will be given one year; go forth without falter, with your heart as your guide...

Site Stats





Credit to Max for the script!
And thank you for your support!


Sep. 4, 2024

  • remade about page
  • made a guestbook
  • Aug. 28, 2024

  • added a new blog tag
  • Aug. 24, 2024

  • remade landing page
  • changed sitebox
  • added more links
  • removed most hotlinks (i'm now only hotlinking if your site is on nekoweb and you indicate that hotlinking is ok somewhere on your site)
  • Aug. 23, 2024

  • remade the homepage. again.
  • made a new button
  • temporarily taking the about page down
  • To-Do List

  • remake the about me page
  • start working on shrines
  • Welcome!

    Aramid is my personal project. I created it so I could have my own space to express myself freely, share various things with others online, and continously hone my coding skills.

    I started to take coding more seriously two years ago and hosted my first (extensive) personal website on Neocities in Summer 2022. Eventually I left that site inactive for a while in favor of my personal life, but not long after I gained a lot more free time I learned about NekoWeb. This summer I began working on Aramid and began hosting it on NekoWeb in July 2024.

    With all that being said, this site is a work in progress, and I hope that it will continue to be one for a long time.

    I hope you enjoy what you find here!

    Link Me!


    Feel free to add my button to your page! I'll try to link back eventually. Hotlinking = OK!